
Looking Ahead: 2019 Travel Risks

On December 11, 2018 in Risk, Travel Trends by GBTA Risk Committee

With 2019 rapidly approaching, as the holiday season winds down, another year of corporate travel begins. Is your organization maintaining its Duty of Care legal obligation? Here are four items to think about for the upcoming year:

  • 24/7 healthcare and security support for your mobile workers
    • In order to operate and grow your business, your employees must travel and work internationally. This means they are often faced with environments that they are unfamiliar with. This level of uncertainty puts them at risk. Even a minor health or security issue, if unchecked, can quickly escalate into a more serious problem. Furthermore, your ability to respond to these risks, can ultimately impact your workforces’ happiness and morale.
  • Automated crises response
    • You know your people are affected by an incident.  You are immediately concerned about them. But you are not in the office. What do you do?
  • Address mental health issues
    • Life as a mobile worker can bring unforeseen stress and strain. Dealing with the complexity of business travel or life abroad can impact your mobile workforce’s health and wellbeing. Having an emotional support service to your people when they are traveling or based in a foreign country is an integral part of an organization’s global risk management program.
  • Communicate with impacted people
    • Terrorist attacks, extreme weather, civil unrest. In a crisis, knowing where your people are and ensuring their safety can be a challenge. Having a Travel Risk Management partner can provide support in these critical times.

Having a Travel Risk Management partner  robust travel risk solutions that help organizations protect their people, meet their Duty of Care requirements and save money.

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