Nearly Doubling Airport Tax Won’t Fly

GBTA has been vocal in its opposition to raising the Passenger Facility Charge, which would unfairly burden business travelers who help to drive the economy. Travel should be promoted, not pummeled with always-increasing taxes and fees.

Here is an excerpt from an op-ed in The Arizona Republic where we say, let Washington know that hiking the PFC tax would slow economic growth at a bad time:


Every time that you land at an airport in the United States, including Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and Tucson International Airport, you pay a hidden tax on air travel called the passenger facility charge.

Last year, airports collected nearly $2.8 billion from this charge. But in the unquenchable thirst for more revenue, President Obama and congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle in Washington want to hike this tax by 89 percent.

Head over to The Arizona Republic website to read the full article.

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