Access to Risk Management Services Still Far From Universal

Access to Risk Management Services Still Far From Universal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:        Colleen Lerro Gallagher, +1 315-447-2331, Marianne Varkiani, +1 703-236-1164,   Access to Risk Management Services Still Far From Universal Duty of Care Made Difficult by Lack of Visibility into Travel Plans FRANKFURT (November 28, 2017) – The vast majority of business travellers feel their companies take…

Bringing Innovation to Meetings & Events

Bringing Innovation to Meetings & Events

Innovation Row exhibitor Nour Mouakke, Founder and CEO of Wizme, joined GBTA’s Mike McCormick at our Broadcast Studio in Frankfurt. Nour shared that his time in the hospitality industry inspired him to create his start-up as he saw outdated systems used for booking on the hotel side and buyers who lacked visibility into the process.


Active Shooter Situation: A Look at How to Respond

The recent Las Vegas attack, where at least 59 people died and more than 500 others were injured by an active gunman on the 32nd floor of a hotel, has re-ignited the thought in everyone’s mind around active shooter preparedness and the best way to respond in emergency situations. The definition of an active shooter…

DOT Launches Forces to Flyers Initiative

DOT Launches Forces to Flyers Initiative

Today, the Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao, announced a new initiative to support military veterans as they prepare for careers as airline pilots. Forces to Flyers is a three-year program aimed at helping our veterans receive the training they need to become certified as new commercial pilots, preserving and increasing air service to rural and…

Week in Review

Week in Review

A federal appeals court in California allowed the Trump administration’s third travel ban to go into partial effect on Monday, NPR reports. The government may now bar foreign nationals from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the country if they have no ties to the United States. In other policy news, Business Traveller reports Trump has…

Week in Review
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Week in Review

According to Bloomberg, Marriott CEO Arne Sorenson says Trump’s divisive languages and policies are pushing travelers to Canada. Business Traveler notes Air Canada now offers alternative payment options for its international customers. 4Hoteliers reports Singapore Changi Airport’s new Terminal 4 debuted this week. According to Skift, Storm Herwart’s high winds disrupted travel across Central Europe…