Business Travelers Report High Satisfaction with Business Travel Experience

Business Travelers Report High Satisfaction with Business Travel Experience

The latest GBTA Business Traveler Sentiment Index™, in partnership with American Express, shows business travelers enjoy most elements of the travel experience. Satisfaction is highest with staying at hotels (78 percent), the overall travel experience (73 percent) and making travel arrangements (73 percent). While satisfaction levels are high, a decline of 3.7 percentage points in…

GBTA Pleased By TSA Administrator Neffenger’s Efforts to Right the Ship

GBTA Pleased By TSA Administrator Neffenger’s Efforts to Right the Ship

GBTA issued the release below today on TSA Administrator Neffenger’s testimony. You can find our release from earlier this summer urging TSA to conduct a top-to-bottom review here. Today, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Administrator Peter Neffenger testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform providing his vision for the evolving…

Chinese Business Travelers Spend $110 Billion USD on Meetings & Events in China

Yesterday, the GBTA Foundation released a study, sponsored by Starwood Hotels & Resorts, that assessed China’s Meeting, Incentive, Convention & Exhibition (MICE) market. This is the first time the market has been quantified like this revealing that MICE activity comprises nearly half (42 percent) of total domestic business travel volume in China and 45 percent…

Group Business Travel Spending Exceeds Individual Travel Spend in the United States

GBTA’s recently released quarterly U.S. business travel forecast, GBTA BTI™ Outlook – United States, showed the growth rate for business travel spending in the country is slowing. The study also looked into both group and individual business travel. Individual business travel soared in 2014, growing 6.7 percent, but total spending fell 0.3 percent over the…

DHS Responds to Bombing of Russian Jet

DHS Responds to Bombing of Russian Jet

Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced it would be stepping up security measures in light of the recent crash of a Russian airplane over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, which officials from some countries have linked to terrorism as the crash remains under investigation. Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson and new TSA chief Peter Neffenger said…

Millennials Want to Travel More for Business
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Millennials Want to Travel More for Business

A new study released today from the GBTA Foundation, in partnership with American Express, reveals that Millennials are significantly more likely to want to travel more for business than Baby Boomers (45 percent to 26 percent, respectively). In addition, a majority of Millennials (57 percent) believe technology can never replace face-to-face meetings to get business…

Government Shutdown More Than Just Political Theater

Government Shutdown More Than Just Political Theater

In a couple short weeks, we will face a political standoff over the debt ceiling and the prospect of yet another government shutdown a few weeks after that. An op-ed from GBTA ran on The Hill’s Congress Blog this week about the lasting and real impact this is having on the economy. I know the Trump 2016 reality…


Extended Stay Accommodations: Satisfaction, Preferences & Challenges

Earlier this month, GBTA released a study on extended stay accommodations in partnership with WWStay. It looked at usage patterns and preferences finding differences across generations and genders when it comes to U.S. international business travelers and also covered how extended stay accommodations fit into travel policies. This post looks into satisfaction, preferences and challenges…

Delivering Sustainability Results with Supplier Partners

Sustainability in Action… So far in my sustainability series posts we have talked about the principles, opportunities and benefits from creating a ‘Responsible Travel Program’. Let’s now look at a real-life example of how working with your suppliers can deliver a great program, and a significant return on investment. Autodesk is a global leaders in…


Week in Review

This week in business travel news, Inc. covered the latest GBTA study, in partnership with American Express, showcasing the Millennials’ secret weapon for winning over business. Successful Meetings also covered the study, writing about Millennials embrace of business travel with a majority of the group saying technology can never replace face-to-face meetings to get business done. In…