Rep. Diaz Balart says No to PFCs at GBTA Legislative Symposium

Rep. Diaz Balart says No to PFCs at GBTA Legislative Symposium

Rep. Mario Diaz Balart (R-FL) today earned a round of applause from attendees at GBTA Legislative Symposium 2015 after stating that the appropriations bill that just came out of his Transportation Subcommittee did not include an increase to the passenger facility charge (PFC). Although he noted that there is a long road ahead, Diaz Balart…

Global Hotel Programs Don’t Fit ‘Cookie Cutter’ Mold

Last year, the GBTA Foundation released the 2014 Global Hotel Program Study, in partnership with Best Western, interviewing travel managers in North America and Europe who worked on global corporate travel programs and had a role in hotel selection or negotiation. This year, the two partnered again to look at travel managers based in Asia…

Visa Waiver Program Boosts Economy and Increases National Security

According to The Hill, Reps. Joe Heck (R-NV) and Mike Quigley (D-IL) have re-filed a measure that is known as the Jobs Originated Through Launching Travel (JOLT) Act that would expand the expand the State Department’s Visa Waiver Program, which currently allows tourists from 38 nations to visit the U.S. without obtaining a visa. The…

GBTA Joins A4A and Other Traveler Groups in Opposition to PFCs

GBTA Joins A4A and Other Traveler Groups in Opposition to PFCs

Today GBTA joined several traveler groups in support of Airlines for America’s (A4A) opposition to the proposed near doubling of the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) – or Airport Tax. GBTA is proud to support where you can learn more about the PFC and see why A4A says airports have plenty and passengers have had…

U.S. Business Travel Volume on the Rise

The GBTA Foundation released its latest quarterly U.S. business travel forecast today and trip volume is on the rise. While we lowered our forecast for business travel spending from last quarter because the costs of travel are falling and are now expecting 3.1 percent spending growth to $295.7 billion, we increased the forecast for person-trip volume…