
GBTA Unveils Global Leaders Directory 2014

I’m excited to announce that today GBTA unveiled an important new networking resource for the industry – The Global Leaders Directory 2014. The Directory is the very first of its kind for the business travel industry! This new resource will enable you to connect with key leaders in our industry: directors, corporate officers and members…

White House Business Council Briefing on Travel & Tourism

White House Business Council Briefing on Travel & Tourism

Last week I participated in the White House Business Council briefing on travel and tourism in the U.S. Administration officials gave an update on the economy and discussed how the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other Agencies work to promote travel and tourism from, to and within the United States. The meeting was an…

Breaking Down the Budget – A Business Travel Perspective

Breaking Down the Budget – A Business Travel Perspective

The White House recently released its proposed fiscal year 2015 Federal Budget. Although there is no chance that Congress will pass the budget in its current form, it does provide us with a sense of the President’s travel-related priorities. But more importantly, it is a cautionary tale about the future without a comprehensive, long-term national…

Breaking Down the Budget – A Business Travel Perspective Part II

Breaking Down the Budget – A Business Travel Perspective Part II

On Friday, we wrote about what President Obama’s proposed 2015 budget means for business travel. Here is a closer look at the four things that are good for business travel and four things that are bad for business travel in the proposed budget – and what they really mean. We’ll start with the positives, albeit…

Winter is out. Business Travel is on The Move.

Winter is out. Business Travel is on The Move.

U.S business travel is expected to continue its surge in 2014 despite a record-breaking, seemingly endless winter where the effects of the polar vortex and multiple snowstorms halted travel across much of the country. Despite all of this, for the second quarter in a row, we are increasing our business travel spending forecast for this…