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GBTA Calls on the European Union to Adapt Regulations To Avoid Further Travel Disruption

Brussels – The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), the world’s largest business travel association, is calling on the European Commission to address the staff shortages threatening the industry’s recovery. The current six-week background checks required for employees working at airports and in the airline sector is causing a bottleneck, and delay to the smooth travel…

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GBTA Europe Advocacy Newsletter – July 2022

GBTA submitted response to the European Commission’s public consultation on international freight and passenger transport – increasing the share of rail traffic, focusing on the importance of rail as an alternative to air transport and reducing emissions from business travel. GBTA co-signed a joint rail travel letter along with CER, EUTT, and others on Reaching EU Climate goals by making rail…

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GBTA Canada Letter to Minister of Transport Regarding Passenger Facilitation at Canadian Airports

The Honourable Omar Alghabra, P.C., M.P. Minister of Transport Transport Canada 330 Sparks Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0N5   Dear Minister, On behalf of the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), I want to thank you and your government for the recent revisions to COVID-19 policies impacting Canadian borders and air transportation workers, along with the…

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Companies Should Be Rethinking Their Business Travel Programs For A New Era, According to New Research

Alexandria, VA  – Business travelers are taking to the roads and the skies again, but are corporate travel programs and policies keeping up with the way business travel happens now? With corporate travel and in-person meetings increasingly returning, businesses need to be thoughtful about how they’re implementing – or re-implementing – their travel programs, especially…

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Managing Travel Disruptions to Improve Travel

As travel restrictions start to open up there are now different disruptions the travel industry is facing. This podcast explores the issues the industry encountered during the pandemic and the new challenges with releasing restrictions and travelers who are now on the move. We welcome Ben Boracas (IATA – Country Manager – USA & Canada)…

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Move Over COVID, the Business Travel Industry Tackles New Considerations on its Continued Road to Recovery

Business travel’s return remains strong, while emerging issues challenge accelerated recovery and companies empower employee travel based on COVID comfort levels, according to the latest research poll from GBTA Alexandria, VA  – There’s more on the minds of the business travel industry these days beyond COVID-19 when it comes to the sector’s continued recovery. The return…