
Do you know how to morph your TRM Program to a People Risk Program (PRM)?

Times are changing and we need to start thinking about the health and safety of all personnel, not just the traveler. So, how can we take an existing Travel Risk Program (TRM) and transform it into a People Risk Program (PRM)? As a Travel Program Manager you can make this a strategic organizational initiative and…

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GBTA Weighs-in on Proposed Climate Disclosure Rules in the U.S.

GBTA filed comments on June 16, 2022 regarding the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Proposed Rule to enhance and standardize climate related disclosure for investors.  You’ll find below the full text of GBTA’s comments:    The Honorable Gary Gensler  Chairman   Attention: File Number S7-10-22  U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission     Dear Chairman Gensler,    …

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Check-In with Suzanne

Travel is recovering with gusto. People are looking forward to summer vacations. Events, conferences and conventions are returning. Companies are hiring. We’re connecting in-person with colleagues and friends. And business travel continues to make its way back.   We’re almost halfway through 2022 and it seems like a whirlwind. We’re ramping back up in our lives…

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GBTA Vigorously Supports the Lifting of COVID-19 Testing Requirements for U.S In-Bound Travelers by the Biden Administration

Alexandria, VA  – GBTA, the voice of the global business travel industry, supports the anticipated announcement by the Biden Administration eliminating the requirement for all travelers to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test or recovery from COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, within 24-hours of arriving in the United States, effective Sunday, June 12. “GBTA heartily…

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Check-In with Suzanne

GBTA’s advocacy efforts have gone transcontinental over the past weeks. After just returning from productive meetings regarding policy in Europe, now this week, we are in Washington D.C. for the annual GBTA US Legislative Summit.  Spearheaded by Shane Downey, VP of Government and Community Relations, and our GBTA Government Relations Committee volunteers, the Summit empowers the…

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Check-In with Suzanne

This week’s Check-In with Suzanne Neufang, GBTA CEO comes to you from Brussels where GBTA met with EU legislative leaders on the topic of sustainability in our industry. Legislators heard GBTA’s positions on the topic as well as actions underway and planned to help the industry navigate toward a greener future. Also spotlighted are the…

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Check-In with Suzanne

My business travels for GBTA finds me back in Europe this week for very important and ongoing efforts on behalf of our members to focus on industry advocacy. In Brussels, we are meeting with various EU legislative leaders on sustainability, especially around the opportunities and challenges for aviation, car services, and business travel across a…

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Politics of Travel: Elections, Spoken Word and Taxes, oh and Oprah!

My travel and event schedule is back and even expanded compared to 2018! I feel like I have been obligatory Shane youth song and it has been exhilarating! Earlier this month, I was working the GBTA Canada Conference. Much like the Europe Conference in December, the main stage and breakouts all featured thought provoking sessions…

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Sustainability Momentum Builds for Corporate Travel and Meeting Management According to New Research from GBTA and Cvent

Alexandria, VA – Sustainability is at the forefront of global business, but have company commitments to sustainability made their way to corporate travel and meetings management programs? What will it take for companies to make business travel and meetings more sustainable? A new report from Global Business Travel Association and Cvent – “The Journey to More…