
One-Half of Travel Buyers to Cut Spending with Lufthansa Once €16 Per Booking Surcharge Goes Into Effect on September 1

GBTA recently conducted a survey of travel buyers living in the United States and put out the release below this morning revealing its findings.

In June, the Lufthansa Group airlines announced that it plans to add a surcharge to tickets purchased anywhere other than its websites, service centers and airport ticket counters beginning next week on September 1, 2015. A poll of Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) Members shows 50 percent of travel buyers who currently include Lufthansa in their travel program as a preferred carrier plan to decrease spending with Lufthansa once this fee takes effect.

Additionally the poll showed 51 percent of all respondents definitely or probably will not use Lufthansa as a preferred carrier if the Lufthansa Group moves forward with the fee.

As the voice of the business travel industry and the corporate travel buyer, GBTA continues to hold its position that this planned strategy will negatively impact corporate travel programs. It is a direct price increase to managed travel programs with no corresponding benefit. It could also ultimately lead to decreased price transparency if carried out by not only Lufthansa, but other airlines in the industry.

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