
Podcast: Solving Real Enterprise Problems Through AI

For this week’s episode, The Business of Travel previews GBTA webinar content airing a recent session called Solving Real Enterprise Problems Through AI. Ryan Floersch from AppZen digs deeper into how and why these cultural shifts are forming. He will look at how AI is empowering managers to take control of team spend at a field level, giving them the ability to correct bad behavior and  improve their teams’ expense habits over time while avoiding unwanted ‘big brother’ conversations between managers and employees that only damage relationships and morale.



GBTA offers frequent webinars on a whole spectrum of topics covering the business travel industry. These timely and relevant presentations on issues impacting our industry are also interactive, allowing you to submit questions throughout and receive immediate feedback from the presenters.

Check out our calendar of upcoming webinars to see what’s coming soon. For GBTA members, if you miss out and can’t attend a session you are interested in, you can also access all of our archived webinars on the GBTA Hub.

You can download and listen to The Business of Travel in iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play and your other favorite podcast directories. Be sure to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss out!

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