
Politics of Travel: Fighting Like the Dickens, International Travel Opening Up

Its always a busy start to the new year, however that’s no excuse for not sending a more regular Politics of Travel. I will try to do better.

BERLIN GOT BLURRY: The GBTA Conference I attended in Berlin was fantastic. The speakers were provocative, the business was booming and the feel around being back in person, coupled with a grander idea of standing together with Ukraine was thick in the air.

By all accounts the conference in Mexico was terrific and people didn’t want to leave. The Canada Conference is next! I know we are working on several interesting new items that you don’t want to miss. I look forward to seeing you there.

KISS ME I’M IRISH: GBTA is fighting like the dickens to bring back international travel. On March 17, the 2 year anniversary of temporarily closing its headquarters because of COVID, GBTA celebrated the return of the successful Convention and the two afore mentioned conferences. GBTA also called on governments to end pre departure and post arrival testing for all vaccinated travelers. After a year plus of meetings, letters and press releases we are pleased several EU countries along with the UK have dropped these barriers to travel.

Our efforts paid off in Canada with the announced lifting of testing requirements on April 1.

In the US, we continue, along with the travel industry, airline and accommodations to call on the Biden Administration to end the 24-Hour testing before departure rule for inbound travel. We have recently had productive meetings with members of both parties on this issue and believe additional pressure is forthcoming. Stay tuned.

TAKE ACTION – US: We need your help in the US. The best way to move elected officials is to show the people back home care about an issue. We need you to send an email to your Senators and Representative asking them to end the testing rule. Be The Voice that Brings Back International Travel! 

EU DIGITAL CERTIFICATE EXTENDED: The European Council endorsed the European Commission’s proposal to extend the Regulation establishing the EU Digital COVID Certificate by one year, until 30 June 2023.

José Ramón Bauzá Díaz (Liberal, SP), European Parliament’s opinion rapporteur of the Committee on Transport on the Regulation establishing the EU Digital COVID Certificate has proposed to extend the validity of the EU Digital COVID Certificate until the 31st of October 2022 and to re-evaluate the situation in case the epidemiological situation deteriorates.

However, the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) committee will have the final word which will then need to be approved by the entire European Parliament. Based in Europe? Tell me your thoughts on the DHC. Do you want it to continue? We are looking to you to help guide our comments.

US LEGISLATIVE SUMMIT REGISTRATION IS OPEN: Are you ready to come to Washington DC? Book now so we can set your meetings with your members of Congress. Hotel information is available upon registration. As always, the room block is limited. Don’t Dilly Dally – rates go up after April 15!

The Convoy came to DC. They drove around the beltway and blew their horns and generally disrupted people trying to go to work causing my neighborhood to be backed up. Nothing generates sympathy like blocking traffic…Really I just wanted an excuse to play this song from my favorite Kris Kristofferson movie This may or may not be the reason I have a duck tattoo on my shoulder.

P.S. tell your friends to sign up here


Shane Downey
Vice President, Government & Community Relations
(O) 703 236-1131
(C) 703 459-7425

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