Elevate your career with a masters-level education

The Global Leadership Professional (GLP) Program is the only educational initiative designed to provide cutting-edge business insights and immersive learning experiences in partnership with leading international education. The program offers a blended learning format with masters-level courses in Marketing, Management, Leadership and Finance provided in partnership with Cornell University. Ideal for senior-level industry professionals the GLP program provides learners with the opportunity to build a network of like-minded business travel professionals while refining their knowledge with expert education designed for the business travel leader.

How it Works

The GLP Program is a two-part credential combining coursework and a capstone project. Upon completing both, participants will earn a GLP Designation.

In Partnership with

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Next Capstone Cycle

Kickoff: July 20-21, 2024
In-Person: Atlanta, GA (pre-Convention)
Class times: 1:00pm – 4pm on July 20th; 8:30am – 4:00pm on July 21st
Learners must have completed the coursework prior to participating*

Not sure if you’ve completed the coursework? Contact pd@gbta.org

Next Coursework Cycle

Begins: Early 2025

Experience eCornell

Student Testimonials

“This program is packed with great leaders who not only show the way but walk the way with you”

Explore the Global Leadership Professional Program Coursework

The GLP Coursework is a fully virtual experience that combines synchronous and asynchronous education sessions with live Peer Discussions. As a part of the GLP Certificate process, participants collaborate to learn from each other, develop their skills together and apply the learnings within the context of the Business Travel Industry. In the peer discussions, everyone is encouraged to share their thoughts, work together, and think critically. Participants have two weeks to complete the coursework for each education session. Instructors will provide online office hours for support.

credits 15

To succeed today in our VUCA world, leader’s must possess the vision to see significant things about the future that aren’t readily apparent to others; the courage to act with conviction in the face of uncertainty and risk; the character to do the right thing in difficult times—and your character only gets tested in difficult times; and they must develop an offensive mindset where they opportunistically create the future they want through action.  This will be the focus of the first session.

  • Identify the impacts of and antidotes for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity
  • Identify the new and unique leadership characteristics needed for the VUCA world
  • Match key leadership characteristics to your own strengths and weaknesses
  • Determine the importance of character and leadership
  • Develop skills to improve your personal prerequisites

Virtual teams present a unique set of challenges, but also a unique set of opportunities. You may be a team leader or team member: in this course we will review some common challenges and opportunities that face virtual teams and some suggested strategies for addressing those challenges and capitalizing on the opportunities. You will leave this course with the skills and tools necessary to develop a plan for addressing challenges and opportunities on your own virtual and remote teams.

  • Assess the key opportunities and challenges facing your virtual team and reflect on how they have affected your team’s performance
  • Perform diagnostics so that you can identify the area that’s most challenging for your team
  • Design an intervention for your team so that you can address structural or coaching challenges

It is imperative that business travel professionals understand innovative, profitable and sustainable marketing strategies that utilize service design thinking. This session will focus on reimagining the guest experience for a post-COVID world with touch and technology, and encourage lively discussion on travel and hospitality cases.

  • Craft a framework for service design thinking and experience management framework to apply them in diverse travel and hospitality industry contexts
  • Apply the evolving customer journey view and Omni channel (digital and physical) strategies
  • Learn from best integrated marketing communications strategies and why it is important to align with STP marketing (segmentation, targeting, and positioning decisions)
  • Develop an understanding of effective service recovery strategies in building customer loyalty

Leaders at every level need to be able to execute on their ideas. In virtually every case, this means that leaders need to be able to persuade others to join in this execution. In order to do so, understanding how to create and utilize power in an organization is critical.
In this course, students will focus on their personal relationship with power as well as how power works in their organization and social network.

  • Assess how powerful you are within your professional circumstances
  • Analyze what creates power and take stock of where power resides
  • Analyze, enhance, and activate your network to achieve goals and improve your ability to exercise power
  • Consider what constitutes responsible use of power and the limits of power
  • Understand the structure of the three principal financial statements: the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement, and interpret the information found in these statements
  • Identify online sources of financial information that can be used to conduct research on other publicly traded firms and industries
  • Make planning decisions in the present, based on the accurate calculation of cash flow projections
  • Use a cash-flow timeline to conceptualize time-value-of-money problems
  • Use a financial calculator to solve time-value-of-money problems
  • Calculate present and future values of payments, perpetuities, and annuities
  • Use these concepts as a foundation for making capital investment decisions
  • Apply a framework of analysis to identify the opportunities for disruption within each of the five financial verticals
  • Examine key trends in each vertical and identify the impacts they have on banks, FinTech companies and consumers

Business travel professionals must expend their precious intellectual and emotional energy in the four areas that have the highest payoff for the organization—developing and articulating a clear vision and strategy; building their high-performing team; setting the internal and external conditions for success; and preparing the organization for success in the future.

Objectives – How to:
  • Develop a clear articulation of what you are trying to accomplish
  • Build the committed team to achieve your vision
  • Set the conditions to achieve the vision
  • Prepare the organization for success in the future.

Explore the Global Leadership Professional Program Capstone

Coming Soon

credits 20



Next Offering
Spring 2025


$2,500 Member Price
$3,000 Nonmember Price

Coursework + Capstone Bundle

Next Offering
Spring 2025