
Rep. Mike Quigley Says Country Could be Safer if We are Smarter

Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) spoke this afternoon at the 14th Annual GBTA Legislative Symposium, an event that brings business travel professionals to Washington, D.C. to meet with lawmakers to share opinions on key industry issues.


Rep. Quigley began his remarks by saying how important travel is to the economy. He discussed the Visa Waiver Program and the importance of passing the JOLT Act. He spoke avidly about how the many security threats that face our country can be fixed if we as a nation would reprioritize certain programs to keep us safe. “Being safe is possible if we act smarter,” said Quigley.

GBTA also presented Rep. Quigley with the inaugural GBTA Navigator Award. GBTA created the Navigator Award to honor Senators and Representatives who have been strong champions for business travelers and the business travel industry.


Rep. Quigley has been a strong advocate on a number of travel issues, but his leadership on the Visa Waiver Program and the JOLT Act, which would improve and broaden the Visa Waiver Program, has been instrumental. A strong Visa Waiver Program protects America and promotes travel.

In conjunction with the Navigator award, GBTA unveiled the Rules of the Road for optimizing business travel at its 14th annual Legislative Symposium. GBTA mobilized its members to create this declaration of travel reform to guide industry, business leaders and policy makers in creating a travel ecosystem that fosters growth, jobs, safety and efficiency around the globe.

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