Passage of the FAA Bill Is A Major Win for the Business Travel Industry, GBTA and You

Passage of the FAA Bill Is A Major Win for the Business Travel Industry, GBTA and You

Earlier this month, I sent the note below as an email to GBTA members outlining why the FAA Reauthorization is such a big win for business travel. Read on below for more and tune in to this week’s GBTA podcast where I had the opportunity to talk with Shane Downey, GBTA Vice President of Government…

GBTA Honors Outstanding Members

Alexandria, VA (August 27, 2018) – The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) – the voice of the global business travel industry – awarded three distinguished members during GBTA Convention 2018 in San Diego. Direct Member of the Year—Stephen Gheerow, Travel Services Manager, Ford Foundation Direct Member of the Year—Connie Smith, Manager of Global Services, McCain…

Travel Coalition Supports the TSA Modernization Act

Alexandria, VA (October 24, 2017) – Today, a coalition of travel associations sent a letter to the Senate Leadership urging support for S. 1872, the TSA Modernization Act. A copy of that letter can be found here. The TSA Modernization Act would advance the deployment of new technologies at security checkpoints, mitigate risks to public areas at…