Over Two in Three Travel Programs Impacted by Payment-Related Data Breach in the Past Year

Alexandria, VA (April 25, 2019) – Nearly 70 percent of travel buyers say their business travelers have been affected by a payment-related data breach from an outside vendor such as an airline, hotel or retailer in the past year, according to new research out today from the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) in partnership with AirPlus International. The research also reveals that travel buyers believe the risk of fraud is growing, with two-thirds (68 percent) saying travel programs face a greater risk of fraud today than they did two to three years ago.


Podcast: Travel Payment Goes Virtual

For this week’s episode, The Business of Travel talks business travel payment trends. Earlier this year, GBTA released a new research project, in partnership with AirPlus International, identifying key trends around travel payment. For the podcast, Kathy Cantwell of AirPlus and the GBTA Payment Solutions Committee joined GBTA Senior Research Analyst Mark Sharoff to talk…