GBTA Legislative Symposium Tackles FAA Reauthorization and ATC Reform

GBTA Legislative Symposium Tackles FAA Reauthorization and ATC Reform

Holly Woodruff Lyons, Deputy General Counsel, House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Staff Director, Subcommittee on Aviation, discussed committee efforts regarding the FAA Reauthorization Bill and modernizing infrastructure at the 15th Annual Legislative Summit, an event that brings more than 100 travel professionals to Washington, D.C. to meet with lawmakers to share opinions…


Forecasting the Future of Flight with Delta’s Ed Bastian

“When I graduated from college, I never even had set foot on an airplane,” Delta CEO Ed Bastian told the crowd in his first appearance on Center Stage at GBTA Convention 2017. Bastian is now the head of one of the largest global airlines and spoke with GBTA Executive Director and COO Mike McCormick about…