A Snapshot of the Ten Biggest Business Travel Markets in the World

A Snapshot of the Ten Biggest Business Travel Markets in the World

The top ten business travel markets in the world are not static. Indeed, recent GBTA Foundation BTI reports have shown that China has overtaken the United States as the largest business travel market in the world. There is a significant margin between the number one and two markets – China with $291 billion spent on…

Week in Review
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Week in Review

Start your Monday off by catching up on last week’s business travel news. In a show of continuing evolution of the airline industry, American Airlines is modifying its AAdvantage program according to The Motley Fool. Joining rivals United Continental and Delta, American Airlines confirmed that it will move to a revenue-based earning system for its…

GBTA’s Rules of the Road
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GBTA’s Rules of the Road

In May, GBTA launched its new Rules of the Road designed to optimize business travel. The guiding principles that make up the Rules of the Road will help to make the global travel systems safer, more secure, more reliable and a better place to conduct and facilitate business. Check out the interactive capsule below to get…

An Olympian Economic Recovery for Brazil?

An Olympian Economic Recovery for Brazil?

With Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer, right around the corner, all eyes will turn southward to Brazil and the Olympic Games. While everyone hopes that the games are a success for the host country, Brazil’s economy and business travel industry have both gone through the proverbial ringer recently, and the forecast remains markedly…

Senator Amy Klobuchar Talks Benefits of Cuba with GBTA Members

Senator Amy Klobuchar Talks Benefits of Cuba with GBTA Members

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) spoke this afternoon at the 14th Annual GBTA Legislative Symposium, an event that brings business travel professionals to Washington, D.C. to meet with lawmakers to share opinions on key industry issues. Senator Klobuchar spoke positively about the FAA bill passing in the Senate, which was received by applause. She spoke passionately…