
How Extended Stay Accommodations Fit Into Travel Policies and What That Means for Duty of Care

Last week GBTA released a study, in partnership with WWStay, which revealed that nearly half (48 percent) of all U.S. business travelers have used an extended stay accommodation in the past 12 months when traveling internationally for business. An intriguing finding from the study showed that 60 percent of business travelers who use extended stay…


Millennials Most Frequently Use Extended Stay Accommodations for International Travel

The GBTA Foundation released a study yesterday in partnership with WWStay, revealing that Millennials (18-34) use extended stay accommodations more than any other group. In the past year, 72 percent of Millennials stayed at one for international business travel. In comparison, only 48 percent of Gen Xers (35-54) and an even smaller 26 percent of Baby…

U.S. Business Travel Spend Growth Slows in 2015

U.S. Business Travel Spend Growth Slows in 2015

Today, GBTA released our third quarter outlook for U.S. business travel, and it clearly shows the effects caused by an uncertain global economic environment. U.S. business travel spending will increase by 3.1 percent in 2015 and 3.7 percent in 2016. While this is still positive growth, it is down from our July projections of increased…

Travel Buyer Satisfaction with Compensation Packages on the Rise

Travel Buyer Satisfaction with Compensation Packages on the Rise

Last week, GBTA released its annual Compensation and Benefits study. If you haven’t already seen my post on average incomes for travel buyers increasing 5 percent over 2014, read it here. Last year travel buyers were noticeably more satisfied with their compensation after a four-year plateau. The trend continues this year as three quarters of…

GBTA Foundation Delivers First Gift of Knowledge Workshops in Shanghai and Beijing

At GBTA Convention 2014 in Los Angeles, the GBTA Foundation first announced The Gift of Knowledge Initiative. This new initiative would develop and implement an innovative and comprehensive program to further develop the travel management profession in China. Thanks to the support of United as a founding leadership partner and other industry leaders, Ctrip Corporate…

Travel Apps: Baby Boomers vs. Millennials

Travel Apps: Baby Boomers vs. Millennials

A recent GBTA Foundation study released in partnership with Carlson Wagonlit Travel surveyed more than 500 North American business travelers looking at business travelers’ booking behaviors and found some interesting differences when it comes to Baby Boomers (55+) and Millennials (18-34) and their use of travel apps. While smart phones are practically universal among business…


Business Traveler Booking Priorities

The GBTA Foundation recently released a study in partnership with Carlson Wagonlit Travel that surveyed more than 500 North American business travelers looking at their booking behaviors, especially related to hotel booking, to learn more about booking priorities and levels of satisfaction. It turns out travelers have a diverse set of priorities when booking hotels…