
Active Shooter Situation: A Look at How to Respond

The recent Las Vegas attack, where at least 59 people died and more than 500 others were injured by an active gunman on the 32nd floor of a hotel, has re-ignited the thought in everyone’s mind around active shooter preparedness and the best way to respond in emergency situations. The definition of an active shooter…

TSA Announces New U.S. Airport Screening Procedures for Electronics in Carry-On Bags

TSA Announces New U.S. Airport Screening Procedures for Electronics in Carry-On Bags

Today, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) announced the implementation of stronger screening procedures for carry-on items that require travelers to place all electronics larger than a cell phone in bins for X-ray screening in standard lanes. This follows extensive testing and successful pilots at 10 airports, and will now expand to all U.S. airports during the weeks and…

Travel Professionals Accept Direct Booking is Here to Stay,  Work to Gain Visibility into Cost Savings and Risk Management
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Travel Professionals Accept Direct Booking is Here to Stay, Work to Gain Visibility into Cost Savings and Risk Management

A new study from the GBTA Foundation, in partnership with Concur, explores priorities and challenges corporate travel programs face today. As the travel industry evolves in response to mobile technology and employee direct-booking behavior, travel professionals are finding they need to modernize their travel programs not only to control costs, but also to increase overall…

Traditional Car Services in Today’s Corporate Travel World
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Traditional Car Services in Today’s Corporate Travel World

Yesterday, Skift’s Andrew Sheivachman published an article saying traditional car services won’t disappear from the corporate travel world anytime soon. “If all you did was read news reports and listen to the raves of fellow travelers, you would probably think that ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft are rapidly putting traditional car services out of…

Extended Stay Accommodations: What Travel Buyers Needs to Know

Extended Stay Accommodations: What Travel Buyers Needs to Know

The GBTA Foundation conducted a new study in partnership with WWStay to understand how travel programs approach their need for extended stay accommodations. This is a follow up to a 2015 study showing nearly half of U.S. international business travelers have used extended stay accommodations in the past 12 months, with 72 percent of Millennials…