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GBTA Europe Advocacy Newsletter – August 2022

GBTA published a news article entitled “GBTA Calls on the European Union to Adapt Regulations To Avoid Further Travel Disruption” addressing how the current six-week background checks required for employees working at airports and in the airline sector is causing a bottleneck, and delay to the smooth travel experience required by business travellers. GBTA submitted its response to the…

What’s In Store for Visa Reciprocity between the United States and Europe?

What’s In Store for Visa Reciprocity between the United States and Europe?

Recently, GBTA reported that the European Parliament called upon the European Commission to reintroduce a visa requirement for Americans traveling to Europe unless political issues over visa reciprocity between the regions are resolved. In its response to the European Parliament published last week, the European Commission argued that suspending visa reciprocity with the United States would…

Together We Are Stronger – Advocating for Business Travel

Together We Are Stronger – Advocating for Business Travel

During GBTA Conference 2016 Frankfurt in partnership with VDR last week, GBTA Executive Director Mike McCormick and VDR Executive Director Hans-Ingo Biehl delivered a speech from Centre Stage focused on our collective advocacy efforts in the EU as we work to deliver a pro-business travel message to the elected and appointed governmental decision makers in…

Success in Business and Travel Requires Leadership, Vision and Cohesion

Success in Business and Travel Requires Leadership, Vision and Cohesion

During GBTA Conference 2016 Frankfurt in Partnership with VDR, GBTA Europe President Gehan Colliander delivered a speech about the importance of partnerships for GBTA in Europe. Read the full speech below. Success in business and in travel requires leadership, vision and cohesion. The travel industry exemplifies this cohesion and togetherness, with buyers and sellers working…

Risk, Mobility and Consumerization Were the Hot Topics of GBTA Conference 2016 Frankfurt in Partnership with VDR

Risk, Mobility and Consumerization Were the Hot Topics of GBTA Conference 2016 Frankfurt in Partnership with VDR

GBTA, VDR Wrap Successful Event With Record Attendance The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) – the voice of the global business travel industry – and German business travel buyer association VDR – wrapped up their third successful joint conference in Europe this week with record attendance. The event brought together over 950 attendees from 20+…

Dramatic Political Risk: An Unavoidable Reality

Dramatic Political Risk: An Unavoidable Reality

On Monday, international counter-terrorism and security expert Hagai M. Segal delivered the opening keynote at Centre Stage during GBTA Conference 2016 Frankfurt in Partnership with VDR. He called dramatic political risk an unavoidable reality in today’s world. Hagai talked risk and security to the packed audience of travel professionals from across the globe covering everything…

Will the Italian Business Travel Market Take a Roman Holiday?

Will the Italian Business Travel Market Take a Roman Holiday?

Of the five European countries included in the most recent GBTA Foundation Western Europe BTI Report – the U.K., France, Germany, Spain and Italy – Italy is the most perplexing. While it, like the other nations, will experience slow and steady growth for 2016 and 2017, it won’t grow at the same rate as neighboring…

Germany Continues to be Europe’s Economic Powerhouse

Germany Continues to be Europe’s Economic Powerhouse

Germany is the largest economy in Europe, currently the third largest business travel market in the world, is led by one of the most powerful women in the world and has a strong and influential voice on both European and global affairs. Given Germany’s power, wealth and influence, it will continue to be the EU’s…