Business Travel Growth Projected to Rise Faster than Economic Growth in France in the Coming Years

Business Travel Growth Projected to Rise Faster than Economic Growth in France in the Coming Years

All of Europe is focused on France this month as the Euro 2016 soccer tournament is underway to select a European champion. The home team has a very good shot of being crowned victors of soccer if not of economic recovery. While the nation’s economy and business travel markets are not out-performing the rest of…


5 Key Takeaways from GBTA’s Western Europe Business Travel Forecast

Business travel in Western Europe is finally standing on solid ground. Companies however are still showing a penchant toward saving for the future in case the economy backslides – that pessimism is slowly starting to abate, but optimism has not fully set in. Still, the stronger economy, lower energy prices and smart fiscal policies are…

Latest Forecast Shows Good News for Western Europe

Today, GBTA released our latest GBTA BTI™ Outlook – Western Europe report, a semi-annual analysis of the five most critical business travel markets in Europe: Germany, the UK, France, Italy and Spain. These five markets together form the lion’s share of business travel in the region acting as a good barometer of the health of…