Call for Nominations: GBTA Board of Directors

GBTA’s Board elections are held each year in conjunction with the annual Convention. Volunteering on the Board is a chance for our industry’s leaders to make a long-term positive impact on our profession. This message is meant to advise you of the GBTA Board election process and to invite you to participate by nominating candidates for vacant positions. We hope that you will choose to participate by nominating a peer – or even yourself.

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Sustainable Corporate Travel in Europe

Today we’re talking about new research from GBTA in partnership SAP Concur, looking at sustainable corporate travel in Europe. As efforts to increase environmental awareness have given rise to ecotourism and “flight shaming” in the consumer space, it’s unclear how these efforts impact corporate travel programs. This study explores how corporate travel managers address sustainability…

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The Evolution of Corporate Travel Content

Today we’re talking about new research from GBTA in partnership SAP Concur, looking at the evolution of corporate travel content. As innovation and technology continue to disrupt nearly every aspect of an organization, this recent study of U.S. travel managers explores the impact of such changes on corporate travel management and reveals interesting insights on…


GBTA Names Jake Cefolia New Vice President of Allied Leadership Council

“Jake Cefolia is a well-respected and trusted leader as well as a tireless advocate for GBTA and I am thrilled to welcome him to the ALC,” said Dorothy Dowling, GBTA ALC President. “His over 20 years of experience and insight will make him an asset to our organization and industry. I look forward to working closely with Jake to help lead the ALC as we begin this new chapter.”

Call for Nominations Open to Serve on GBTA Board of Directors

*GBTA Members received the following post in an email from Election Services Corp. along with a personalized link to submit your nominations for the Board. If you do not think you received the email, please check your spam folders first. If you still cannot find the email, please contact Election Services at for assistance.*​ GBTA’s Board…


More Airport Taxes Just Won’t Fly

Currently, some in Congress want to double the current Passenger Facility Charge (PFC), and others even want to remove the cap altogether, meaning airports would be able to increase the PFC as much as they want. Today, GBTA joined Travelers United, Americans for Tax Reform and Airlines for America in opposition to raising the PFC. The…

GBTA’s Shane Downey Receives Prestigious 2019 Leading Association Lobbyist Award

Alexandria, VA (January 25, 2019) – The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), the voice of the global business travel industry, is pleased to announce that Shane Downey, GBTA vice president of Government Relations, was named one of Association Trends’ 2019 Leading Association Lobbyists. The award is given to a class of outstanding leaders who are a…

Podcast: Critical Thinking, Intuition and Innovation

As part of GBTA’s professional development opportunities, we offer the Global Leadership Professional® (GLP) Program in partnership with the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. It is the only masters-level course for travel professionals, and the strategic curriculum uses an interdisciplinary approach that addresses both the opportunities and challenges of conducting business in today’s evolving environment.