GBTA Statement on House T&I Committee Hearing on Airline Customer Service

GBTA Statement on House T&I Committee Hearing on Airline Customer Service

In light of recent incidents, we are seeing some positive developments with changes in policy related to denied boarding compensation and operational use of security personnel. However, something that was clearly missing from today’s House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing on customer service was the voice of the business traveler. We do hope to see…

Stronger Together: GBTA Urges Policymakers to Keep  Visa-Free Travel Reciprocity in Place Between Europe and the United States

Stronger Together: GBTA Urges Policymakers to Keep Visa-Free Travel Reciprocity in Place Between Europe and the United States

GBTA has long supported and advocated for the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) in the United States, which allows citizens of participating countries to travel to the United States without obtaining a visa for stays of up to 90 days for business or leisure, but not for employment, study or residency. By making it easier for…

GBTA Calls for New Dialogue on Expanded Business Traveler Bill of Rights
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GBTA Calls for New Dialogue on Expanded Business Traveler Bill of Rights

Every year at GBTA Convention, I have the privilege of giving attendees an update on the advocacy issues affecting our great industry. Below you will find the speech I plan to deliver this afternoon. As you may have seen, the sharing economy hit the campaign trail. Just a few weeks ago, some of the most…

Legislative Symposium: Keeping the Momentum Going at Home

Legislative Symposium: Keeping the Momentum Going at Home

What is the number one way to influence a member of Congress? Citizens have more power than they realize – personal communications from constituents make all the difference. 46 percent of Congressional staff report that in-person visits from constituents had “a lot of positive influence” on Members/Senators, compared to 8 percent who had the same…

GBTA to Take Business Travel Messages to Capitol Hill
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GBTA to Take Business Travel Messages to Capitol Hill

Next week GBTA will host nearly 100 members at its annual Legislative Summit. The event will kick off with speeches from members of Congress and industry leaders along with education sessions. On the final day, GBTA members will head to Capitol Hill to meet with their representatives to talk about issues important to the business…

Time is Running Short as DHS Shutdown Looms

Time is Running Short as DHS Shutdown Looms

*Last Updated: March 3, 2015 at 11:50am GBTA has been talking for weeks about the serious, unintended consequences on business travel if the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill fails to pass leading to a shutdown. Absent a full year funding bill, business travel can easily be disrupted, causing an immediate impact on our…

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Last Week in Review

The Last Week in Review keeps you up-to-date on the latest business travel news. Last week’s GBTA poll on how North American businesses are reacting to the Ebola situation continues to make news with coverage in Roll Call. GBTA Executive Director Mike McCormick once again spoke with the New York Times about the importance of…

As the Clock Strikes Midnight, Will the U.S. Government Shut Down?

Reports are the Republican Leadership has been meeting this morning to see how to move forward if the Senate, as expected, rejects the House passed measure that would keep the government open until Dec. 15, but would also delay Obamacare for one year and repeal the medical-device tax. The federal government shuts down at midnight…