What’s In Store for Visa Reciprocity between the United States and Europe?

What’s In Store for Visa Reciprocity between the United States and Europe?

Recently, GBTA reported that the European Parliament called upon the European Commission to reintroduce a visa requirement for Americans traveling to Europe unless political issues over visa reciprocity between the regions are resolved. In its response to the European Parliament published last week, the European Commission argued that suspending visa reciprocity with the United States would…

GBTA Supports DHS Call to Strengthen Visa Waiver Program

GBTA Supports DHS Call to Strengthen Visa Waiver Program

Yesterday, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson issued a statement saying Congress can help strengthen the Visa Waiver Program by codifying into law recent enhancements already made to the program and by fully funding the Obama administration’s budget request for aviation security. To be a viable economic driver, travel must first and foremost…