
Active Shooter Situation: A Look at How to Respond

The recent Las Vegas attack, where at least 59 people died and more than 500 others were injured by an active gunman on the 32nd floor of a hotel, has re-ignited the thought in everyone’s mind around active shooter preparedness and the best way to respond in emergency situations. The definition of an active shooter…


Tools for Identifying Risk Amongst the Noise

Amidst the current global risks, business travel remains vital to the economy. In spite of its importance, it can be challenging to sift through all available data to make responsible company decisions. So how can travel managers successfully navigate this process? At the GBTA Canada Conference in April, COO Mike McCormick spoke with Peter Martin,…

Near, Far, Wherever You Are- Learn How to Stay Safe Around the World with GBTA’s Risk Radar Webinar

Near, Far, Wherever You Are- Learn How to Stay Safe Around the World with GBTA’s Risk Radar Webinar

Business travel gives employees the opportunity to visit new and exciting countries, but the changing world climate makes it important to stay updated on shifting risk levels. While it’s impossible to predict every dangerous situation abroad, there are proactive measures that can be taken to send your team out with their best foot forward. GBTA’s…


No Surprises: Insight on Mitigating Risk for Business Travel to Cuba

As commerce and travel restrictions are further eased, business travel from the U.S. to Cuba is increasing. According to the Havana Consulting Group, which monitors business trends in Cuba, the number of Americans who traveled to Cuba increased 77 percent in 2015 from the prior year. In 2016, one million people visited Cuba, up nearly…

GBTA Announces General David Petraeus as Featured Speaker at GBTA Convention 2017

GBTA Announces General David Petraeus as Featured Speaker at GBTA Convention 2017

Last week, GBTA announced former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director and General David Petraeus (U.S. Army, Ret.) as a featured speaker at GBTA Convention 2017, July 15 – 19 in Boston. General Petraeus will deliver a short speech, followed by a one-on-one interview at Convention Arena on Monday, July 17. His appearance is made possible…

Risk on the Road: Are Business Travelers Packing Fear in Their Briefcase?

Risk on the Road: Are Business Travelers Packing Fear in Their Briefcase?

Business travelers face a variety of risks – from the mundane to the catastrophic, from pickpockets to global terrorism. In today’s world it is important to be prepared no matter the destination. GBTA research shows nearly 85 percent of companies already have travel risk management programs in place and many of these include travel insurance…

Keeping Peace of Mind When Traveling in an Uncertain Time
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Keeping Peace of Mind When Traveling in an Uncertain Time

Past events of 2016 and recent executive orders from the new administration have created a new year of travel challenges and concerns.  And while business travel continues to increase globally, so does the acknowledgement of travel risk.  According to a recent global Ipsos MORI survey of over 1,000 individuals who organize, influence or are responsible…

Keeping Safe with Some Solid Advice: Travel Risk Awareness Clarified
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Keeping Safe with Some Solid Advice: Travel Risk Awareness Clarified

Travel risk has become more complex yet staying safe is simple if you follow these six basic principles of security: preparation, awareness, low profile, unpredictable routine, communications and layers of protection. Preparation: There is no substitute and frankly, no excuse for lack of preparation.  Educate yourself about the risks before you travel and plan your mitigation…