Booking Behaviors vs. Company Policy: An Opportunity for TMCs

Booking Behaviors vs. Company Policy: An Opportunity for TMCs

A recent GBTA Foundation study, sponsored by Concur, talked to both business travelers and travel buyers about booking behaviors. Over the past year, business travelers are generally satisfied with booking business trips across a variety of channels. Looking at the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, more than 85 percent of business travelers are…

Expanding Roles in the Cards for TMCs

Expanding Roles in the Cards for TMCs

A recent GBTA Foundation study, sponsored by Concur, looked at how corporate travel programs keep adapting in today’s changing world. It focused on how travel management companies (TMCs) are serving companies and business travelers by surveying both travel buyers and the travelers themselves. Let’s talk about priorities over the next five years. Travel buyers in…

GBTA Poll Shows U.S. Business Travel to Europe  Remains Resilient Despite Paris Attacks

GBTA Poll Shows U.S. Business Travel to Europe Remains Resilient Despite Paris Attacks

Last week GBTA President Christle Johnson issued a note to members expressing GBTA’s deepest sympathies for those impacted by the Paris attacks and noted that the business travel industry is resilient and we will continue to work together and stand strong. On Friday, the Chair of GBTA’s Risk Committee reflected on the Paris attacks and…


Companies Must Address the Glaring Gap in Ground Transportation Policies

American business travelers are masters at understanding the planes, trains and automobiles that we all rely on. We know just when to arrive at the airport so we can make it through security and walk onto the plane. We know which train is likely to be on time, and which one is always delayed.  And…

Travel Buyers Show Strong Support For Current Distribution System

Travel Buyers Show Strong Support For Current Distribution System

On September 1, the Lufthansa Group implemented a €16 per booking surcharge on travel purchased anywhere other than its websites, service centers and airport ticket counters. This morning we issued the findings from a new global survey conducted by GBTA and its European partner network showing 42 percent of travel buyers surveyed have decreased bookings with Lufthansa since it…

Travel Buyer Satisfaction with Compensation Packages on the Rise

Travel Buyer Satisfaction with Compensation Packages on the Rise

Last week, GBTA released its annual Compensation and Benefits study. If you haven’t already seen my post on average incomes for travel buyers increasing 5 percent over 2014, read it here. Last year travel buyers were noticeably more satisfied with their compensation after a four-year plateau. The trend continues this year as three quarters of…

Compensation for Travel Buyers Up 5 Percent Year Over Year

The GBTA Foundation released its annual Compensation and Benefits study today that looks at salaries, bonuses, and benefits for U.S. travel buyers. In good news for travel buyers, salaries are up year over year increasing 5 percent to $110,000 for total pre-tax compensation in 2015. Median salaries are up, as well, increasing 6 percent to…

GBTA Latin America Conference in Sao Paulo Features Education, Networking and More

GBTA Latin America Conference in Sao Paulo Features Education, Networking and More

In late June, GBTA hosted its third annual successful conference in Sao Paulo, Brasil with more than 300 total attendees bringing together business travel professionals from Brasil with suppliers worldwide. The event took place at the Pullman Hotel, Vila Olympia, Sao Paulo, located within one of the city’s most prominent financial centers. With the continuing expansion of…

Dining Programs are Hot: Here’s Why it Should Matter to You

By Heather Thompson, Public Relations Manager, Dinova With the Global Business Travel Association’s annual convention just behind us, it’s no wonder everyone is talking about business travel. It’s a hot topic that gets even hotter when we talk about how much business travel actually costs. (Don’t worry, procurement managers, we’re all feeling the same swelter.)…