The Times, They Are A-Changing…

In this feature series, GBTA’s Board of Directors share their views on topics that matter most to members, the industry and the way forward for business travel. Today’s guest author is GBTA Board member Jens Liltorp, GLP, CCTE, Manager, Global Travel and Meetings at LEO Pharma, Denmark.

As I reflect on my three-year term on the GBTA Board – including being the first member representing Europe – coming to an end at Convention next month, I have mixed emotions about the upcoming conclusion of my professional life as well.

My time in this industry spans 40+ years, and in that period, I have seen the dawn of the internet, online booking tools, industry alliances and consolidations, commission cuts, financial and pandemic crisis situations, flexible workplaces and the travel industry taking more responsibility for people and the planet. It’s hard to imagine the old days involving paper tickets, no security checks, smoking on flights – and no computers! Pens, paper, phones, telexes and faxes were our tools of the trade. So much has changed and will continue to change as our industry evolves.

I have loved my career. I’ve met lots of interesting people and made global friendships while working through constant challenges and opportunities. The travel industry has always been where global changes first made an impact, driven by technology, economics, political, health and risk circumstances.

I am extremely grateful for the trust I had when I started my Board term. I’m proud of my impact on GBTA’s evolution – from membership to more focus on transparency, advocacy, sustainability and global efforts. As for GBTA Europe, I have firsthand experience with how much work goes on behind the scenes – and how well it is performed. It is no easy task to juggle constant needs, requirements, wishes and ongoings with relatively few resources. Yet it is managed so well, and the GBTA Europe Advisory Board plays a pivotal role in successfully supporting this.

I hope to meet peers and friends either at Convention or at the Europe Conference in my hometown of Copenhagen in November. This is when we will say our goodbyes and maybe shed a tear or two.

And last, but not least: if you are a GBTA member, please remember to vote in the upcoming Global Board Elections which include a bylaw change to allow LATAM and APAC full seats on the Board. This is especially important because it’s our opportunity to impact who represents us and future industry interests.

I will close this column with something I found written on a beer bottle label; nevertheless, it’s great insight and words to live by – “Life is uncertain, don’t sip.”

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