Top 10 Quotes From Biz Stone at GBTA Convention

On Tuesday, Biz Stone co-founder and co-inventor of Twitter spoke for the nearly 7,000 GBTA attendees about the lessons he has learned, the importance of change, creativity and spectacular failure. He was so entertaining and insightful I decided to share this blog post through his words. Here are the top 10 quotes from Biz Stone’s Convention appearance yesterday.


“In order to succeed spectacularly you have to be willing to fail spectacularly.”

“Creativity is a renewable resource.”

“If something isn’t fun then people won’t use it and it won’t become important.”


“It takes 10 years and a lot of hard word to become an overnight success.”

“My philosophy has always been people first, technology second.”

“The first year everyone said Twitter was useless. So is ice cream.  Should we ban ice cream and all joy?!  So it was fun, we were having fun.”

[When talking about Twitter] “It’s not a triumph of technology. It is a triumph of humanity.”


“Twitter is the Seinfeld of the internet. It’s a website about nothing. I thought great–Seinfeld’s awesome!”

“Opportunity can be manufactured; you don’t have to wait– you can just make it. People always think you have to wait for an opportunity to happen. You can be the architect of your own circumstances.”

“There is a compound impact to helping people. The earlier you get started the better the impact you’ll have over time. In helping others you do truly help yourself.”

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