Tracking the Pulse of Recovery

Not many could have predicted at the beginning of COVID-19 what would lie ahead.  GBTA started its monthly COVID-19 poll in February 2020, just as the earliest hints of the pandemic were appearing. We didn’t have a crystal ball, but we did recognize the importance of keeping a pulse on the new development and potential implications for our members and business travel overall.

And what started as one of the first COVID-19 polls, has now become an important benchmark for our industry as well as for corporations, policymakers, trade associations, government agencies, media and more. Today, GBTA has become a reliable, go-to source for insights related to COVID-19 and business travel’s return and recovery around the globe.

And we’re unpacking our July poll results in our newest episode of “The Business of Travel,” the official podcast series of GBTA. Tune in here as Chris Ely, head of Research for GBTA, shares more on the poll takeaways, backstory and benefits in conversation with Debbie Iannaci, GBTA’s head of Communications.

Results from this 21st poll in our series continue to track ongoing sentiment as well as new developments. Is business travel really returning? How are travel companies feeling about recovery? Do business travelers really want to hit the road again? How have vaccinations played into the recovery equation?

Our August poll is currently underway and will be open until August 19. Results will be published on August 26.  We thank all of you who continue to take the time to offer your input.

You can download and listen to the SME Podcast on iTunesStitcher, and your other favorite podcast directories. Be sure to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss out!

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