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Travel Risk Management and Sustainability…Connecting the Dots

By GBTA Risk Committee and GBTA Sustainability Committee


How organizations manage the health, safety and security of their employees on business travel is not only part of their Duty of Care legal obligation, but also bears heavy influence on their GRI sustainability score. Corporate sustainability is an organization’s activities that demonstrate their work towards social, occupational and environmental concerns in business operations.

Having a Travel Risk Management program and partner not only provides robust travel risk solutions that help organizations protect their people, meet their Duty of Care requirements and save money, but it also helps to meet sustainable development goals and GRI reporting requirements.

It is important to work with a TRM partner, implement a holistic program, and report on how you are protecting your employees by providing solutions in a global environment; such as health consulting, promotion of worker health, and assisting employees with health and safety events while traveling.

Connecting the dots starts with understanding the lingo!


Key Sustainability Terms for a Holistic Travel Risk Management Solution:
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 3 Sustainable Development Goals in Good Health & Wellbeing
Sustainability Report How an organization reports what they’ve done to achieve goals
GRI Global Reporting Initiative
GRI 403 Global Reporting Initiative on Occupational Health & Safety
SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
RobecoSam Sustainability Grading System


Food for thought:

“One out of every eight dollars under professional management in the United States in involved in socially responsible investing. That $3.07 trillion represents a huge pool of money that is being invested in companies that have been found to be sustainable.” – John Friedman (Huff Post, September 2017)

Do you know your company’s Sustainability goals and score?

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