Update on Project Unite

Project Unite, focused on the integration of GBTA and ACTE, has been making progress and we’d like to provide you with this update.

At the beginning of February, we completed the analysis of over 1,200 global responses to the survey that was conducted to gather thoughts on what people have enjoyed from the two associations, what wasn’t working and what can be done to create a stronger GBTA.

Here is a sampling of the key findings from the survey:

  • Networking, education and research are some of the most important member benefits, albeit in different order in different parts of the world
  • The survey participants indicated how they believe a range of events, from smaller events (500 attendees or fewer), to peer-to-peer formats for direct benchmarking and networking, along with larger global conferences, would provide them with the most value
  • Past ACTE conference attendees were more inclined to feel the mixture of education, networking and exhibit time was “just right” whereas past GBTA convention attendees would like to see more time for education and networking.  As an aside, the GBTA July Convention planning committee has expanded the education sessions from 30 minutes to 45 minutes.

The survey results were then reviewed in mid-February on two virtual calls with over 60 volunteers from around the world.  This group provided additional insights:

  • Participants welcome a globalized view to research and overall education direction while allowing the actual education content and delivery formats to be driven from local/regional teams who understand those particular market needs
  • Respect of all cultures and inclusion of all voices needs to permeate GBTA from the volunteer ranks, through the staff and with leadership
  • Support for volunteering with GBTA is strong around the world and the need for a global association is needed now more than ever

Having the survey results and volunteer insights, we are now working to focus on the intricacies of the unification and what that means for a future roadmap.  Additional fact-finding calls will be held as we prepare the roadmap for finalization by mid-March.

Our appreciation to those who completed the survey and who have volunteered their time to assist in creating a stronger association that is working to advance your careers, programs and the industry.  Please let us know if you have any questions about the project.


Project Unite Co-Chairs

Christle Johnson and Greeley Koch

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