
Video: iCars President Talks Duty of Care

Shortly after the company announced its plans for national expansion, iCars President Ed Silver joined GBTA’s Caitlin Gomez at the Broadcast Studio at Convention this summer. The business travel industry is constantly evolving, and it is not news that in recent years, the sharing economy and technology have led to massive disruption in the ground transportation sector.

Recent research from the GBTA Foundation found one in five (22 percent) business travelers don’t even know if their company travel policy allows the use of ride-sharing type services. Given the continuously changing travel landscape, there are a number of considerations that individual business travelers as well as corporate travel departments need to account for when approving use of sharing-economy options. Personal liability, security or broader duty of care concerns top the list.

Ed shared iCars focus on meeting this duty of care element for the corporate travel professional and the importance they place on trust and security.

View the full video here:

Check GBTA’s YouTube Channel for even more insight and Broadcast Studio interviews from this year’s Convention.

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