WINiT Week Webinar Recap: The Fundamental Shift

As part of this week’s Collaboratory, two members of GBTA’s WINiT Strategic Advisory Board shared their experiences with resilience and how it can be developed through practice.


Lenore D’Anzieri, CTE, a travel industry veteran and founding coach of the Mindful Leadership Project, hosted Beth Kinerk, senior vice president at Avis Budget Group, Inc., and Kristen Shovlin, vice president of Sales Operations and Development for Delta Air Lines. Both executives discussed how resiliency has guided them during fundamental shifts in their lives.


What does the word “resiliency” mean to you?


Shovlin: My definition of resilience is the ability to bend, and not break; to bounce back and grow. And then add in a bit of optimism. Remaining connected to family and friends, and having a network of people I can lean on lifts me up.


How do you keep your eye on the bigger picture and stay positive?


Kinerk: In addition to communication and transparency, impactful networking – not for a business ask or sales need – has been a sustained focus. I look at my network as a community of people I genuinely care about, as people I can be vulnerable with and reach out to for advice.


What techniques do you use to manage stress?


Shovlin: After the first couple months of pandemic-related intensity, I realized this was going to be a long haul and I needed to pace myself. I started meditating, going on walks with neighbors and went to visit family. I realized the importance of opening up and allowing others to help me.


How are you keeping your team motivated to overcome challenges?


Kinerk: Salespeople are used to seeing the fruits of their labor so we had to redefine what success looks in order for everyone to feel engaged. We’ve focused on recognizing and rewarding wins and sharing them out to everyone. In addition, we keep things in perspective.  It’s not just about wins and success. It’s always about perspective and appreciation.


To hear more insights from these WINiT panelists, view the recording of this webinar accessible on the Member Hub.


Upcoming Collaboratory Webinar Topics:


Oct. 19-23: Mobility and Transportation

Nov. 9-13: Meetings & Events

Nov. 16-20: Sustainability

Dec. 7-11: Technology

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