Elevate Your Organization’s Travel Risk Management with Insights from the GBTA TRM Supplier Survey

Are you looking for help selecting a travel risk management supplier?

The GBTA Risk Committee can help!  Launched in 2023, the GBTA Travel Risk Management Supplier Capabilities Survey supports our travel buyers in adopting ISO 31030:2021 Travel Risk Management – Guidance for Organizations.  The survey helps our members to better understand the key elements of the guidance and more importantly, the ability of travel risk management suppliers to support the guidance.

To ensure the highest level of credibility, all participating suppliers are required to provide evidence that their products and services can support each area.  The submission is evaluated by an independent team of GBTA travel risk management survey reviewers to validate the capability.  This ensures the highest level of credibility in the information provided to you, the GBTA Buyer membership, as you consider and evaluate potential suppliers.

On the GBTA Hub, you can find the survey, which includes the results of ten travel risk management GBTA Allied suppliers mapped against the capabilities needed to support ISO 31030 guidance. 

Additional suppliers are currently under review, and an updated supplier matrix will be released in mid-2024.  If you are a travel risk management supplier and would like to be considered for the GBTA Travel Risk Management Supplier Capability Survey, please contact trm@gbta.org.

Results – https://hub.gbta.org/trm-supplier-capabilities-matrix

Survey – TRM Supplier Capabilities – Global Business Travel Association – GBTA