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Business Travel Industry Calls for the Reopening of Canada-US Borders

And a Return to Business Travel Ahead of the July 21 Deadline

Alexandria, VA – The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) – the world’s largest business travel association and worldwide leader in education, research, networking and advocacy for the industry, has united the business travel sector to advocate for the Trudeau Government and Biden Administration to take immediate and necessary action to open the Canada-US Borders, allowing for free flow of business travel.

“The next Canada-USA border review is due on July 21, and while we certainly appreciate the Government’s easing of restrictions that came into effect on July 5th for vaccinated Canadians returning to Canada, business travel remains stunted for land crossings and Americans entering into Canada. The time is right to kick-start the economy and safely open Canada-USA borders, to allow non-essential travel, including business travel which has now been halted for over 480 days. Leading indicators are all positive, the rapid roll-out of the vaccination programs and decreasing rates of infection, should allow for restrictions to be eased safely,” said Nancy Tudorache, Regional VP GBTA Canada.

Today, the Global Business Travel Association is taking action to send a clear message to both governments in an Open the Canada-US Border for Business Travel Campaign in the form of a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau and his respective Ministers, and President Biden and his Administration. The letter is signed by over 550 Canadian and American industry professionals, travel suppliers and travel buyers, along with individuals who work for corporations whose roles and business rely on business travel.

“GBTA members and our industry-at-large have shown over-whelming support for this initiative, as the Canada-USA border closure has dramatically affected business continuity that relies on the movement of people for business travel purposes,” said Shane Downey, Vice President, Government and Community Relations GBTA. “Our ultimate goal is of course the broader reopening of the border for ALL international travelers.  However, our current ask narrows this down to something more achievable as a next step for both the Canadian & American governments, enabling business travel. “

Adding “In the U.S, the steep decline in travel in 2020 resulted in the loss of $150 billion in export income, if entry restrictions are not lifted in the short-term, the U.S. is projected to lose 1.1 million jobs and an additional $175 billion by the end of this year. Similarly, in Canada, a 90% drop in business travel during the pandemic negatively impacted 600,000 jobs and resulted in a loss of $2.9 billion of associated spending by business travelers per month. “

The letter to President Biden can be read here.

The letter Prime Minister Trudeau can be read here.

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