Best HR Practices Award Nominations Now Open

WINiT by GBTA is now accepting nominations for the inaugural WINiT Awards. The WINiT Awards recognize the women, men and companies who together, are driving positive change for the career mobility of women in travel-related industries.

As part of the Company Achievement Awards category, WINiT would like to celebrate a company with the Best HR Practices Award. This company should demonstrate support for all employees in the workplace. If your company has the following characteristics, please submit a nomination.


  • Has created and implemented structured programs to address equal hiring, employee well-being and work-life balance needs. Examples may include blind recruitment, unique work arrangements, extended maternity or paternity leave, assistance with day care and more.

Learn more about all of the WINiT Awards categories. Individuals and companies can be nominated for one or more award. One of the following nomination forms must be completed for each award for which the individual or company is being nominated.

The nomination process closes August 23rd. Award winners will be honored at the WINiT Gala held on November 7 at the Grand Hyatt in New York, New York.

Contact Dawn Repoli at for more information.

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