Call for Nominations: GBTA Board of Directors

*GBTA members will receive this information below in an email today, March 21st, along with a personalized link to submit your nominations for the Board. If you do not see it in your inbox by the end of the day, please check your spam folders first. If you cannot find the email, please contact Election Services at for assistance.*

GBTA’s Board elections are held each year in conjunction with the annual Convention. Volunteering on the Board is a chance for our industry’s leaders to make a long-term positive impact on our profession. This message is meant to advise you of the GBTA Board election process and to invite you to participate by nominating candidates for vacant positions. We hope that you will choose to participate by nominating a peer – or even yourself.

Volunteering to serve on the Board has many benefits. You have the opportunity to serve with fellow leaders that could benefit your professional life. Your opinions and experience provide needed input into shaping the strategic goals for the organization.

The Board consists of thirteen (13) Members comprised of the President, Vice President, Immediate Past President/Chairman of the Board, President of the Chapter Presidents’ Council, President and Vice President of the Allied Leadership Council, five (5) Direct Members elected at large, and two (2) Allied Members elected at large. The Executive Director & COO also serves as an ex officio Member of the Board.

Open Positions:

  • President for a term of two years to begin at the close of GBTA Convention 2017 through the close of GBTA Convention 2019
  • Vice President for a term of two years to begin at the close of GBTA Convention 2017 through the close of GBTA Convention 2019
  • Allied Member at Large (1) – for a term of two years to begin at the close of GBTA Convention 2017 through the close of GBTA Convention 2019

Officers (President and Vice President) will be elected by GBTA Direct Members. Allied Members at large will be elected by GBTA Allied Members.

Eligibility Requirements: (As stated in Article VI of GBTA’s bylaws.)
To be eligible for nomination, the following requirements must be met:

  • Be a Direct or Allied Member that has been a GBTA Member in good standing (in their respective category) for the last two (2) consecutive years; and
  • Completed at least one (1) year of service to the Association or local chapter

Any Direct Member of the Association may nominate a qualified Direct Member or themselves to be an Officer.

Any Allied Member of the Association may nominate a qualified Allied Member or themselves to be a Director.

The Role of the Board: 
The Board of Directors serves a crucial role in determining the long-term strategy and future governance needs of the Association. A Director attends approximately four (4) in-person meetings of the Board throughout the year as well as periodic Board conference calls as needed. In addition, all Board Members attend the annual GBTA Convention where they participate in several leadership assignments, on and off stage. All Board Members spend time deliberating on matters and policies related to the Association’s programs and services. In addition, Board Members should expect to carry out special assignments and make appearances at local chapter meetings, committee meetings or other forums where GBTA’s leadership presence is needed throughout the year.

In addition to the GBTA Board of Directors, Allied Member positions will also serve on the GBTA Allied Leadership Council. This Council advises the Board on industry related matters from a supplier perspective.

What Should a Candidate be Prepared For? 
All candidates for the Board should be knowledgeable of GBTA’s programs, services and Bylaws. All candidates are asked to submit a platform statement and respond to questions. The candidate’s platform statement and responses are published in an election brochure that is sent to all Members in advance of Convention. In addition, candidates appear at the Annual Business Meeting / Election on Monday of our annual Convention, and provide a brief, three-minute statement to their peers.

All candidates must adhere strictly to campaign guidelines.

The Election Process: 
GBTA’s election process is guided by GBTA’s Bylaws, which require that activities and deadlines are met in a timely manner. The critical dates and process are noted below:

  • April 18 – Deadline for Nominations
  • April 27 – List of Nominees Announced to Membership
  • May 11 – Candidate Platforms Due
  • May 18 – Election Brochures Sent
  • May 31 – Notice of Annual Meeting
  • June 2 – Absentee Ballots Available
  • June 16 – Absentee Ballot Request Deadline
  • July 6 – Deadline to Register for Convention if Planning to Vote Onsite
  • July 10 – Absentee Ballots Due to GBTA
  • July 17 – Annual Business Meeting
  • July 17 – Voting Opens Onsite at Convention
  • July 18 – Voting Closes
  • July 19 – Election Results Announced

How to Submit a Nomination:
GBTA is once again using an online nomination process this year. You can nominate yourself or another Member that has personally agreed to run for election. You may nominate as many or as few candidates as you like. You will receive an email directly from Election Services with a personalized link to submit your nomination(s). Nominations must be submitted by April 18, 2017.

If you have any questions about the online nomination process, please contact Election Services Corp. by email at or call toll-free +1 866 720 HELP (4357).

Please note: Any other method of submission of the nomination form will not be accepted. 

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