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Coming Soon…the GBTA Risk Committee Brings You New and Updated Offerings in 2017

As the new year begins and business travel resumes, we are reminded that travel security risks exist everywhere and the impact of crime, terrorism, civil unrest, information security and political instability is real.

In order to provide you with the most relevant and meaningful material as it relates to global events, Duty of Care and effective travel risk management, the GBTA Risk Committee will be providing a NEW “Risk Thought” every month. This offering will be distributed in the Daily News Brief on the first Monday of each month, beginning in February 2017. Its purpose is to creatively and concisely convey a current or trending topic of travel risk interest in conjunction with facts, resources and the commentary of subject matter experts. You will also be able to find this monthly provision here on the GBTA Blog. Be on the lookout for its first edition next month!

The popular Risk Radar webinar series will return in 2017 under a modified schedule. In order to ensure quality and relevance, this popular webinar series will be offered once a quarter in 2017 on the following dates:

  • February 16, 2017
  • April 20, 2017
  • June 15, 2017
  • October 19, 2017

Please access more information about the GBTA Risk Committee here. If you are interested in having a member (or members) of the GBTA Risk Committee present at your Chapter meeting(s) or Education Day(s), please contact Erin Wilk, GBTA Risk Committee Chair.

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