Determine the Future of GBTA – 2019 Board of Directors Election

It is time once again to make your voice heard in choosing new leadership positions for GBTA. In preparation for the election this August, please take a moment to review the election materials and platform statements in the Board of Directors Election Brochure 2019. As part of GBTA’s continuing efforts to be environmentally responsible, this brochure is currently available online.

At Convention 2019, elections with voting by electronic means will be open starting on Monday, August 5 at 11:30am CT until Tuesday, August 6 at 6pm CT. The Annual Business Meeting where you will hear from each of the candidates will take place Monday, August 5 at 10:15am CT at Center Stage in Chicago’s McCormick Place. Results of the elections will be announced at Convention Arena on Wednesday, August 7, 2019. Individuals must be Direct or Allied members of GBTA to be eligible to vote. Please note that members voting onsite must be registered for Convention by July 23, 2019.

Absentee Ballots

If you are unable to attend GBTA Convention 2019 and vote in person, you may request an absentee ballot.

You will receive information on how to request an absentee ballot on June 20 and you have until July 5 to request an absentee ballot.

Absentee ballots will be submitted electronically and must be received by July 29, 2019, which is five days prior to the start of Convention. Instructions for submission and completion will be included on the ballot.

The open Board positions in the 2019 Election are as follows:

  • President for a term of two years
  • Vice President for a term of two years
  • Two (2) Direct Members at Large for a term of three years
  • One (1) Allied Member at Large for a term of two years

We thank you in advance for your participation in shaping the future of GBTA.

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