DHS’ Steve Yonkers Updates GBTA Legislative Summit Attendees on Real ID

Steve Yonkers, Director of Identity and Credentialing, Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Policy, Screening Coordination Office spoke about REAL ID issues at the 15th Annual GBTA Legislative Summit, an event that brings more than 100 travel professionals to Washington, D.C. to meet with lawmakers to share opinions on key issues.

Yonkers provided background on REAL ID, which was passed by Congress in 2005, and enacted the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation. He said having a secure driver’s license and identification documents are vital components of national security. Yonkers explained to attendees that REAL ID will establish minimum standards for security.

It will only apply to entering a nuclear power plant, accessing Federal facilities and military bases and boarding regulated commercial aircraft.

Yonkers stressed that this does not create a national ID or database and that currently 26 states are in compliance.

GBTA will have a state-by-state update coming to the blog soon.

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