Message from the Office of the GBTA President – January Monthly Communication

*This post was also sent as an email to members on January 31, 2017.*

I would like to wish you all a happy New Year, and I hope your first month of 2017 is off to a great start. In an effort to keep you apprised of the latest happenings within GBTA, I will continue to send these regular updates.

I’m pleased to announce that GBTA recently launched registration and unveiled the theme for Convention 2017. This year’s theme is Convergence. As the business travel industry continues to evolve, today’s business travelers are driven by the need for mobility in a fast-paced environment, the desire for a more personalized travel experience and the risks associated with the current technological, environmental and geopolitical landscape.

As these new elements of travel converge, new hurdles and opportunities for travel professionals have surfaced. Business traveler expectations have risen to another level and they are forcing us to adapt.  Convergence is the driver of change that is resulting in new products and services that business travelers are forcing us to think through and address. Convention 2017 will be a constructive environment for travel professionals to converge, connect, share and inspire one another with fresh ideas, personal experiences and solutions.

This year’s Convention will be held in Boston from July 15-19, 2017. I look forward to seeing you there! Keep your eye out for news in the next couple of days as we announce our first Convention Arena speaker.

Upcoming Events
In addition to Convention, there are so many exciting GBTA events that I am looking forward to. Next month, I will be heading to Orlando for the Chapter Presidents’ Council Leadership Summit. As someone who started their GBTA career at the chapter level and served as president of two different chapters, this event means a lot to me. It brings together over 150 chapter and affiliate volunteer leaders from across the country for two days of learning and collaboration. We will discuss association leadership in today’s world, advocacy efforts at the chapter and national level, making the most of GBTA membership and much more.

We continue our efforts in India with our India Business Travel Workshop Series coming to Mumbai and Bangalore in February and March. These travel manager workshops drive a high level of engagement year-round with the travel management community in India bringing localized education to continue to elevate the profession.

In late March in our LATAM region, GBTA Conference 2017 returns to Mexico City, and for the first time will expand its focus to include Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. This event will not only continue to be at the forefront of business travel events in Latin America, but we will also celebrate the progress that business travel has had throughout the region.

In Closing
Coming off an incredibly successful 2016, I look forward to what 2017 has in store for GBTA and our members. I will continue to update you on our planned events, advocacy efforts, education and opportunities over the coming months. As always, please reach out to me with any thoughts or questions.

Thank you all for your continued commitment to GBTA. I wish you great success in 2017, both personally and professionally.

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