A highlight of GBTA Convention and our regional conferences each year is the many relevant, informative and valuable education sessions offered as part of the attendee experience. To ensure the selection of educational sessions is fair and timely sessions are selected, a rigorous, member-driven selection process has been implemented. GBTA’s leadership and staff is grateful for this dedicated and passionate group of engaged volunteers, who serve on the PRC. This group represents expertise in a variety of areas, represents both the buyer and supplier voice, and has a range of professional experience in travel management.

2023 Convention Peer Review Council Members

1. Several months before an event, GBTA opens a “Call for Proposals” to GBTA members and non-members and communicates this through multiple channels. Buyers and suppliers are encouraged to submit an educational session proposal(s).
2. A diverse group of GBTA members appointed to the PRC conducts a blind review of each proposal, and scores each on various criteria. Several hours are spent reviewing and commenting on the quality of the submissions.
3. The final selection of educational sessions is made during a full-day meeting of key content champions. Notifications and follow-up meetings are conducted by the Professional Development staff.

  • Michelle Amos
  • Henrietta Balint
  • Valerie Barnes
  • Makiko Barrett
  • Kari Bigot
  • Liz Brown
  • J. Grant Caplan
  • Kim Conway
  • Annette Cumming
  • Mike Daly
  • Brenda Davis
  • Mateusz Domaradzki
  • Trish Earles
  • Valerie Ferraro
  • Leslee Fritz
  • Stephen Gheerow
  • Kristen Gibson
  • Ron Glickman
  • Robyn Grassanovits
  • Dave Gries
  • Kaaren Hamilton
  • Neil Hammond
  • Kristen Hrycoy
  • Bobbi Huber
  • Renee Huff
  • Christina Hutchinson
  • Max Izmaylov
  • Kate King
  • Michael Laumanns
  • Susan Levitte
  • Nora Lovell Marchant
  • Stacey Mack
  • Bruce McIndoe
  • Holly McTague
  • Jorge Mesa
  • Terri Moreno
  • Carine Morin
  • Anouar Mrissa
  • Sylvain Muller
  • Elizabeth Oliveira
  • Geoff Parsons
  • Edward Phillips
  • Nidia Quintero
  • Kristen Reeves
  • Christina Reichelt
  • Mira Rosenzweig
  • Jenny Sabineu
  • Carol Schrager
  • Connie Smith
  • Terasa Tierney
  • Michele Wilson
  • Sven Wiltink
  • Mark Ziegler
  • Stefan Asmuss
  • Hans-Ingo Biehl
  • Rüdiger Bruss
  • Alastair Cotton
  • Mark Cuschieri
  • Carol Fergus
  • Lotten Fowler
  • Brian Geary
  • Peter Grover
  • Stephen Hanton
  • Anne Haugland
  • Calum Hawley
  • Eija Kurttila
  • Jens Liltorp
  • David McNeill
  • Jorge Mesa
  • Christian Rosenbaum
  • Jan Ruebel
  • Bernd Schulz
  • Vera Strezyk
  • Samantha Van Leeuwen
  • Sarah White
  • Stephen Anderson
  • Chuck Crowder
  • Vito Curalli
  • Brooke Davis
  • Patrick Doyle
  • Alex Ferdinand
  • Bertie Fernandes
  • Jon Heppenstall
  • Sharlene Ketwaroo-Nanoo
  • Linda Lee
  • Shelly Lewchuk
  • Geoff Parsons
  • Ian Race
  • Connie Smith
  • Sue Spear
  • Jennifer Urquhart

Committee in the process of forming; more information to come.