
Senator Klobuchar Highlights Importance of Travel & Tourism at GBTA Legislative Summit

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), a strong supporter of the business travel industry spoke to a crowded room late Tuesday at the 15th Annual GBTA Legislative Summit, an event that brings more than 100 travel professionals to Washington, D.C. to meet with lawmakers to share opinions on key issues.

Senator Klobuchar discussed how important tourism is to the United States. She complimented our attendees for their work and dedication on visa reform. She is concerned with the safety of our country but also wants to be mindful of the economic impact of the anti-immigrant talk as it will affect tourism. She said she continues to encourage her colleagues to think about the economic side of such rhetoric.

She also talked about how proud she is of the work that went into Brand USA, including its reauthorization extending until 2020. Brand USA’s mission is to encourage increased international visitation to the United States and to grow America’s share of the global travel market.

She also discussed the importance of infrastructure, the FAA reauthorization bill and the Cuba travel market.

She concluded with a brief Q & A session with GBTA members before joining GBTA’s Executive Director Mike McCormick for a Facebook Live interview where she talked about the pending government shutdown, her priorities when it comes to infrastructure improvement and the FAA Reauthorization.

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