United States Projected to Lose $1.3 Billion in Travel-Related Expenditures in 2017

United States Projected to Lose $1.3 Billion in Travel-Related Expenditures in 2017

First, there was Brexit. Next came the Trump Administration’s first travel ban, which cost the United States $185 million in business travel bookings in one week. It was followed by a second travel ban, which like the first, was halted by court orders. After that, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) barred passengers…

Update on the “Travel Ban”

Update on the “Travel Ban”

On March 6, President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order called “Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry to the United States.” The White House issued the order largely in response to court challenges made against another Executive Order signed on January 27. As we noted in an earlier blog post, the effective…

Brexit’s Article 50 is Triggered: The Future of Business Travel in Europe is at Stake

Brexit’s Article 50 is Triggered: The Future of Business Travel in Europe is at Stake

This afternoon in Brussels, GBTA met various leaders including Mr. Tim Figures, Head of the Competitiveness and Market department as part of the Permanent Representation of the United Kingdom to the European Union on this historical day in the future of Europe. Article 50 has been delivered at approximately 12:30pm Brussels local time today. Last…

Companies Expect Ongoing International Travel Disruption Resulting From Revised Travel Ban

Companies Expect Ongoing International Travel Disruption Resulting From Revised Travel Ban

European Companies Will Plan Significantly Less Meetings & Events in United States The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), the voice of the global business travel industry, polled its U.S. and European members this week to assess the business travel impact of President Trump’s revised executive order on travel. Nearly 4 in 10 (37 percent) U.S….

Uncertainty Over Travel Ban Puts Business Travel and the Economy at Risk

Uncertainty Over Travel Ban Puts Business Travel and the Economy at Risk

GBTA Releases Latest U.S. Business Travel Forecast Earlier this month, GBTA released data showing the dramatic bottom line impact President Trump’s executive order banning travel to the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries has had on business travel. In the week following the ban, approximately $185 million in business travel bookings were lost as the…

China Solidifies New-Found Position as World’s Largest Business Travel Market

China Solidifies New-Found Position as World’s Largest Business Travel Market

On Monday, GBTA held a Gift of Knowledge Workshop in Chengdu focused on measuring the success of managed travel programs. The GBTA Foundation also released its latest business travel forecast for the Chinese market showing China remains one of the fastest growing business travel markets in the world. Total business travel spending is expected to…

Is Election Year Uncertainty Putting U.S. Businesses at Risk?

Is Election Year Uncertainty Putting U.S. Businesses at Risk?

Today, the GBTA Foundation released its latest quarterly U.S. business travel forecast, slightly downgrading our expectations from the previous quarter. Uncertainty around the upcoming presidential election is among the factors influencing our more pessimistic outlook for U.S. business travel spending through 2017. Along with the uncertainty surrounding the election, sluggish global expansion, low inflation, weak…

Will the Italian Business Travel Market Take a Roman Holiday?

Will the Italian Business Travel Market Take a Roman Holiday?

Of the five European countries included in the most recent GBTA Foundation Western Europe BTI Report – the U.K., France, Germany, Spain and Italy – Italy is the most perplexing. While it, like the other nations, will experience slow and steady growth for 2016 and 2017, it won’t grow at the same rate as neighboring…

The Brexit Conundrum

The Brexit Conundrum

Despite the stark warnings of many prominent economists, analysts and financial experts, on 23 June the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU. The nation which boasts the mother of parliaments exercised its democratic right through a referendum to go against the perceived wisdom and strike out into the unknown. Since then…