2024 Board of Directors Election

The GBTA Board of Directors election has begun.

The GBTA Board of Directors serves as the governing body of the Association and is responsible for establishing the focus and direction of the Association. Board Members spend time deliberating on matters and policies related to the Association’s programs and services. Their opinions and experience provide needed input into shaping the strategic goals for the organization. Volunteering on the Board is a chance for our industry’s leaders to make a long-term positive impact on our profession.

2024 Open Positions for Board of Directors:
  • Two (2) Director-at-Large (Direct Member)
  • One (1) Regional Director – European (Direct Member)
  • Three (3) Director-at-Large (Allied Member)

Meet the Candidates

Bylaw Change proposal to be voted on during the GBTA Board of Directors election

The GBTA Board of Directors states the following:

In a world that’s increasingly interconnected and as the association expands its geographic reach, the GBTA Board of Directors recognizes that adding representation on the Board from both the Asia Pacific and Latin America regions is vital to cultivating a global network for our members as well as for GBTA’s continued success. But we need your help to accomplish it.

Creating these two permanent voting member Board seats will bring the voices of these communities to our global stage. This decision reflects GBTA’s commitment to foster regional representation and inclusivity, thereby ensuring the continued growth and success of these regions and their members within both the business travel industry and the association. The regional Direct Board of Director seats will enhance collaboration between the GBTA Board and regional advisory boards, as well as foster stronger alliances and amplify the voice of these dynamic regions along with the chapter system in the United States.

But adding these new voting members requires making a change to the current GBTA bylaws. So, the Board of Directors is asking for your vote and formal support. When you vote “yes” to this bylaw change, you will effectively help continue to put the “G” in GBTA, emphasizing the importance of a truly global perspective.

Do you support changing GBTA Bylaws to create two new regional Direct/buyer seats with voting power for the Asia Pacific (APAC) and Latin America (LATAM) areas on the GBTA Board of Directors?

Board Composition

The present GBTA Board of Directors holds 16 members with a global representation:

  • 2 Direct (buyer) Member Officers (President and Vice President)
  • 1 Allied Leadership Council President (as voted on by members of the ALC)
  • 1 US CPC (Chapter) President (as voted on by US Chapter presidents)
  • 2 Regional Directors (buyer) (Canada and Europe Direct members)
  • 7 At Large (global) Directors [4 Allied (supplier) and 3 Direct (buyer)]
  • 3 ex-officio (no voting rights) members (GBTA CEO and two Direct (buyer) members Regional Directors of APAC and LATAM)

Voting Eligibility (as stated in Section II of the bylaws)

Section 2.1. Designation of Members. The Association will have two (2) designations of voting members (i.e., Direct Members and Allied Members, collectively “Voting Members”) and four designations of nonvoting members (i.e., Press Members, Academic Members, Honorary Members, and Retired Members, collectively “Nonvoting Members”)

Voting Eligibility

According to the Bylaws, each GBTA Voting member (Direct/Allied) will be permitted to cast one vote for vacant seats on the Board by electronic ballot.
Individuals must be a Direct or Allied Member of GBTA to be eligible to vote.
In the United States, if you are a community member in a Chapter, but not a global member, you are not eligible to vote.

The Election Process

GBTA’s election process is guided by GBTA’s Bylaws, which require that activities and deadlines are met in a timely manner. The critical dates and process are noted below:

  • May 10 – Candidates Announced
  • May 22 – Candidate Forum
  • May 24 – Voting Opens
  • June 25 – Voting Closes
  • June 26 – Board of Directors Announced at Annual Meeting Register here

Member Voting  Process

GBTA Board elections will begin on Wednesday, May 24. All eligible members will receive a personalized email from “GBTA Elections” with the email address GBTAhelp@mg.electionservicescorp.com. The email will be titled “GBTA Board of Directors Elections 2024.”

If you don’t receive the voting email, check your spam folders. If not found, contact Election Services Corp. by email gbtahelp@electionservicescorp.com

Questions & Issues

If you have any questions about the online voting process, please contact Shane Downey at sdowney@gbta.org or Election Services Corp. by email at gbtahelp@electionservicescorp.com
If you have questions about your membership status or voter eligibility, please contact GBTA’s Member Care Team at membercare@gbta.org