
New Survey Finds Satisfaction Significantly Higher for Business Travelers Enrolled in TSA PreCheck

Navigating airport security is one of the most important parts of the modern travel process, yet, at times, it can be the most frustrating. Every day, as business travelers enter security lines at airports, their blood pressure increases as they wait in line to take off their shoes, remove their belts and place laptops in their own separate bins.

Everyone can appreciate the need for effective security procedures, but, for many, this appreciation does not alleviate the aggravation that is felt while inching through a slow line.

A new survey, the GBTA Business Traveler Sentiment Index™ in partnership with American Express, spotlights a better way to help alleviate stress during the security screening process. According to the survey, those business travelers who have enrolled in one of the nation’s largest risk-based security programs – known as TSA PreCheck – report a significantly better air travel experience than their peers who have not.


We asked over 800 business travelers whether they’re satisfied with the current process for getting through airport security. Two thirds (66 percent) of business travelers enrolled in TSA PreCheck said that they were satisfied with the security process. By comparison, 47 percent of business travelers not enrolled in the program reported satisfaction.

Similarly, those enrolled in TSA PreCheck are more likely to be satisfied with traveling on an airplane – 66 percent – compared to 54 percent for those not enrolled.

In this survey, we also examined who has signed up for the program. In this area, Baby Boomers are more travel savvy than their younger colleagues — 51 percent of Baby Boomers (55+) surveyed are enrolled; compared to 37 percent of Gen Xers (35-54) and just 32 percent of Millennials (18-34). One consideration for this is that veteran road warriors likely have decades of business travel under their belt and are acutely aware of the value TSA PreCheck brings to their travels.

At GBTA, we strongly support risk-based programs. Checkpoint screening delays and long Customs lines at airports cost travelers time and money, and reduce business opportunities. Risk-based programs like TSA PreCheck and Customs Border Protection’s Global Entry allow business travelers to move through security quickly and avoid travel hassles and delays.

At the same time, these programs better allocate staffing, equipment and administration, and also reduces the need for budget and fee increases – all of which can help contribute to a more seamless airport experience for business travelers around the world.

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