Risk Predictions for 2023

As we move from 2022 into the new year, it is important to evaluate the ever-changing travel and risk landscape.  We should focus on developing solid processes to protect our companies and employees from the potential dangers both while traveling and in our normal business activities. Over the past couple of years, we have seen an increase in petty and organized crime as well as additional risks associated with climate change.   Our plans to mitigate risk are often complicated by information overload and inaccurate information. 

To move forward with a plan, we need to evaluate and understand the risk profile of our organization.  Creating a sound crisis management program in 2023, our focus should be on selecting a trusted source of timely, accurate and actionable intelligence.  With a trusted source of intelligence, we can then invest in support structures to identify and manage risks.  It will be important for companies to leverage risk in normal business operations not just during crisis.  A routine evaluation using security intelligence should be considered for all business decisions. 

Traveler well-being should be at the forefront of all risk programs.  Pre-departure assessments can provide a greater understanding of the health, mental well-being, and practical needs for each traveler. Many basic travelers needs such as managing chronic disease and contingency plans for delays are often overlooked.  With the assessment information we can provide the security support and resources needed for individuals before travel, during their trip and upon their return.  Providing travelers with complete destination information pre-travel with up-to-date briefings from multiple trusted channels should always be provided.   An understanding of the risks will help reduce traveler stress.   Additionally, providing buffer time for business travel will allow time for increasing delays and travel complications.

While we have seen the risk associated with business travel increase over the past several years, we have also seen new products, services and information that allow us to better manage these risks.  The focus on traveler wellbeing has been a part of travel programs that has been overlooked in the past.   The strides in this area will provide substantial benefits to both the traveler and employer. Business travel in 2023 can be less stressful and more productive if we take the steps needed to prepare for the inevitable risks of travel.

Travel safely in 2023!